Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ignorance In Your High School Principal; My Trip To His Office :: essays research papers

I walked into his office. The look on his face was distasteful. He made me feel inferior to him. not the way you should feel around your high school principal. I didnt feel welcome, or even accepted. His beady eyes burned holes in my skin. I sat. He gazed into my tired eyes, and he asked me the following, "Whats going on?" How am I supposed to respond to this sort of question? If I say "nothing," its a given that there is something. However, if I try to speak with him about anything, it will be like talking to a brick w all told. Authority figures never take for any compassion. They care only about the someone that rules them. In this case it would be the superintendent. I reply with a comment which is very versatile, "Not much, and yourself?" He gives me a look of disappointment. The kind of look you get when your parents find out youve been skipping school for the whole first semester. He turns his back to me. I hate it when they do that. They always rin g you are going to be sitting there waiting for them to turn around. Like you think they are the most important person in the world. I fall apartt do that though, I just admire all the hoaky pictures and quotes on his white walls. Yeah, if he actually believed in all these sayings he wouldnt be working here, I think. Suddenly, I feel my ears begin to burn. I try to do a fit by play in my head of what I am going to say to him. I dont know why I do that, it never helps. I always end up shooting off my mouth, and getting into trouble. He turns back around and informs me that I was absent this past Friday. LIKE I dont know. He tells me I have to serve seven hours of detention. "Excuse me, Mr. Principal, Sir..." I begin. Only to be cut off with another, "I dont want to hear it." I shut my mouth and let him ramble on. I have a lot of better things to do with my time, I think to myself. Listening to people you really dont care to listen to is quite boring. So, I let my mi nd wander. I think of how many runs I could be snowboarding down at this very moment.

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